Cover Kids Q&A – Mom Rilee and Daughter Artemis

Meet Cover Kid Artemis and her mom Rilee BurganRilee Burgan and her daughter, Artemis, love nature and live on their beautiful northern New Mexico farm.Rilee: Artemis and I love to spend our time in nature. For example, sitting by a river and touching the water is...

Spring 2024

Lo superará

Lo superará

Foto de cortesía: Sofie y mamá en una aventura al aire libre.Los desafíos al criar niñas con autismoBy Amanda Zengel, Cuando nació Sofie, mi primera hija, en el 2016, fue un alumbramiento de ensueño. Se me rompió la fuente a las 34 semanas y la niña estaba lista....

She’ll Grow Out of It

She’ll Grow Out of It

Courtesy photo: Sofie and Mom on an outdoor adventure.Adventures in Parenting: Girls with AutismBy Amanda Zengel When I had my first daughter, Sofie, in 2016, it was a dream birth. My waters broke at 34 weeks and she was ready. After an easy delivery, I looked in her...

Become a Water Bender

Become a Water Bender

Courtesy photo: Jen & Zac - Daughter & GrandsonTips and stories to be one with the waterBy Miguel Castillo The skill of swimming has been very impactful in my life, and I know each family has their personal swim story. As I share some stories and some easy...

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Voces de la familia