Souper Bowl XXVII goes to Dr. Field Goods

Souper Bowl XXVII goes to Dr. Field Goods

Souper Bowl XXVII goes to Dr. Field Goods The Food Depot hosted its annual fundraiser Souper Bowl XXVII. With over 19 participating restaurants and approximately 1,300 attendees, chefs battled for the ultimate soup bragging rights. Dr. Field Goods, led by Chef Josh...
Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Communities In Schools of New Mexico Surrounding Kids With a Community of Support By Blanca Ortiz As a Communities In Schools (CIS) site coordinator at Nava Elementary School, I am proud to do “whatever it takes” to empower children to stay in school and achieve in...
Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Voces de la familia

Rodeando a los niños con una comunidad de apoyo Communities In Schools of New Mexico ofrece ayuda a estudiantes y sus familias By Blanca Ortiz Como una de las coordinadoras del programa Communities In Schools (CIS, por sus siglas en inglés) en la escuela primaria...