Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Communities In Schools of New Mexico Surrounding Kids With a Community of Support By Blanca Ortiz As a Communities In Schools (CIS) site coordinator at Nava Elementary School, I am proud to do “whatever it takes” to empower children to stay in school and achieve in...
Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Voces de la familia

Rodeando a los niños con una comunidad de apoyo Communities In Schools of New Mexico ofrece ayuda a estudiantes y sus familias By Blanca Ortiz Como una de las coordinadoras del programa Communities In Schools (CIS, por sus siglas en inglés) en la escuela primaria...
Education, the Long View

Education, the Long View

Education, the Long View Paving a Better Path for New Mexico’s Teachers, Students, and Families By Kurt Steinhaus You may have noticed a flurry of news out of New Mexico’s Public Education Department in the past few weeks. From implementing new assessments and...